Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Mahasiswa Melalui Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Pemenuhan Pengetahuan Tentang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan

Faisal Rahmadi(1), Agus Rusmana(2), Rully Khairul Anwar(3),

(1) Universitas Padjadjaran
(2) Universitas Padjadjaran
(3) Universitas Padjadjaran
Corresponding Author


Research Purpose. This study aims to determine the behavior of students seeking information through social media as a fulfillment of knowledge about academics and student affairs based on the theoretical model of Carol Kuhlthau, namely the information search process. In this model the information search process is divided into 6 stages, namely the initiation stage, the selection stage, the exploration stage, the preparation stage, the collection stage and the presentation stage. Methods. The method used is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The population of this researcher is followers of the Instagram account @liscarehimaka as many as 525 and the sampling technique uses simple random sampling which produces a sample of 84 respondents. Data Analysis. The data analysis method used is in the form of table analysis and category calculations with interval limit formulas. Result and Discussion. The results showed that the stages in searching for student information through social media Instagram as the fulfillment of knowledge about academics and student affairs were in the high category.

Keywords: Information seeking behavior, knowledge, social media


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DOI: 10.30742/tb.v6i2.2514


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