Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Bank Pemerintah dan Bank Swasta yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2017-2020

Miftahul Estafeti


The institutions that act as financial intermediaries between the government and the community, and play an important role in the economy, were banks. If explained in more detail, the bank was a financial institution that mediates the customer (excess funds) with the debtor (needs funds) so as to facilitate traffic circulation. Banks as institutions engaged in the financial sector, need to maintain public trust so that banking performance could be run better. These study selected samples used a random technique without certain criteria or called simple random sampling, included: 4 Government Banks (Bank Mandiri, B.R.I, B.N.I, and B.T.N) and 4 National Private Banks (Bank B.C.A., Panin, Danamon, and C.I.M.B Niaga). with financial reports from 2017 to 2020, meaning that the number of samples used = 8 banks x 4 years = 32 samples. These study formed the final conclusion that there were differences in performance between government banks and private banks where government banks has better CAR, NPM, and ROA ratios compared to private banks, while private banks only has an advantage in the NPL ratio.


CAR, NPL, NPM, ROA, Bank of Government, National Privat Bank

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