Pengaruh Investasi Asing dan Investasi Dalam Negeri Terhadap PDB Indonesia (Tahun 2013 – 2020)

Belly Maranatha


The progress of a country would not be separated from the development of various economic sectors that support it. The addition of production value in each sector through public consumption demand, coupled with foreign and domestic investment obtained by a country, accompanied by an appropriate allocation of government spending, as well as the creation of an increase in the value of exports compared to the value of imports would result in significant economic development and it was reflected in on the value of the Gross Domestic Product. These study chose the value of Foreign Investment, Domestic Investment, and GDP to be taken randomly using simple random sampling technique as the sample in the study, then obtained the value of Foreign Investment, Domestic Investment, and GDP from Quarter I-2013 to Quarter IV-2020. If the total number of samples were accumulated = 4 Quarter x 8 years = 32 samples. The results of hypothesis testing on the sample found a positive relationship between Foreign Investment and Domestic Investment with GDP in Indonesia (2013-2020) either simultaneously or partially.


Foreign Investment, Domestic Investment, Gross Domestic Product.

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