Pengaruh Perdagangan Internasional Ekspor Migas dan Non Migas terhadap Perdagangan di Indonesia

Fitri Utfaeni Sadiah, Andi Lopa Ginting


In this research, we discuss the influence of international business or trade on Indonesia's economic growth. We use quantitative research methods and hypothesis testing to evaluate the relationship between international trade and economic growth in Indonesia. The results of this research show that international trade has a positive influence on Indonesia's economic growth, which can be seen from the increase in the value of exports and foreign exchange remittances. Apart from that, we also find that Indonesia's international trade has changed since the 1980s, where Indonesian exports began to be dominated by oil and gas commodities, which reached their lowest point in the 1980s. These export commodities include manufactured oil products, crude oil from mining, LPG gas and other manufactured gas, as well as natural gas from mining. Apart from using oil and gas commodities, non-oil and gas exports are also the main focus of Indonesian government policy to increase state income and create jobs.


International Trade, Economic Growth, Exports, Imports, Quantitative Data

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Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan
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eISSN: 2745-6366