Sharia Credit Card, Rules and Reality

Untung Raharjo, Sony Kristiyanto


Credit card is a banking product that is very well known by the public. Almost all banks have credit card products, including banks with sharia principles. One of the banks with sharia principles that have sharia credit cards is BNI Syariah. This study tries to explore more about the use of Islamic credit cards in Indonesia. BNI Syariah Bank was chosen in this case study because it is one of two sharia banks that have sharia credit card products. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach using the case study paradigm. This study came to the conclusion that the use of Islamic credit cards will return to the user. Credit card issuing banks can only supervise by locking a number of merchants who are deemed not to meet the rules in Islamic sharia. In general, the impact of using a credit card will return to the user. If users are able to use credit cards wisely and do not behave consumptively, then there will not be a problem with the use of credit cards

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Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan
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