Antara Aku, Jodohku dan Akuntansi

Selvia Eka Aristantia, Ade Irma Suryani Lating


Although accounting has an important role in married life, it turns out there are many millennials who have never delved into the beauty of the ocean of marriage but are also interested in studying accounting and its branches. It is not even taboo nowadays to consider accounting knowledge or financial management capabilities possessed by a potential partner as one of the criteria besides the other criteria that are dreamed of. Therefore, the author wanted to examine how the meaning of accounting in building domestic life. Researchers used a phenomenological approach in the search for meaning both explicit and implied.


behavioral accounting; mental accounting; household accounting; phenomenological approach

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Dukuh Kupang XXV No. 54 Surabaya, Indonesia 60225 
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p-ISSN 1693-1378 | e-ISSN 2598-9952