Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Briket Batubara: Penghargaan Dan Hukuman

Dondi Pramundi, Mochamad Mochklas, Djoko Soelistya


Business development is growing rapidly, giving rise to competition, resulting in every company having to struggle to create new innovations in order to be able to compete in the market. Rewards and punishments are often carried out in developing companies that one of the developing companies is PT. Tri Tunggal Prima Perkasa as a manufacturing company produces coal briquettes. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to determine the application of rewards and punishments given in improving employee performance at PT. Tri Tunggal Prima Perkasa. The research method used is a qualitative method. Data collection using interviews, observation and documentation with 3 informants. The results showed that the application of rewards at PT. Tri Tunggal Prima Perkasa in the form of salary and bonus. The punishment applied to PT. Tri Tunggal Prima Perkasa was classified as light, medium and heavy. Reward and punishment applied by PT. Tri Tunggal Prima Perkasa is still not doing well. This makes employees unmotivated and results in decreased company productivity. Rewards and punishments applied by the company should be objective, fair and given maximally to each employee to encourage employee performance motivation to be better.


Reward, Punishment, Employee Performance

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