Kepemimpinan desa tangguh terhadap kinerja Penyelesaian Covid-19

Detak Prapanca, Wisnu Panggah Setiyono, Sutrisno Sutrisno


In Indonesia, we have experienced the coronavirus pandemic or what we call the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 virus is transmitted through droplets of saliva caused by coughing, sneezing and exhaling. All cities in Indonesia are affected, including Sidoarjo, which is included in the orange zone. Various methods have been carried out by the Sidoarjo regency government, including the socialisation of handwashing, masks and hand sanitisers, and even the formation of a harsh village to respond to Covid-19. This study aims to analyse the application of tough village leadership and its impact on the completion of Covid-19 in the Sidoarjo district. This research was conducted in the Sidoarjo Regency, especially the Sidoarjo district. This research is qualitative research with phenomenology and analysed using the NVivo tool. Data collection methods used are observation, interview (interview), and documentation. This research focuses on the application of resilient villages with research participants, namely policymakers about Covid-19 in Sidoarjo, namely the Health Office, Village Head, Officials and the community. The expected outcome of this research will be able to make a significant contribution to the world of education and health, especially regarding public policy governance, health services and the health of resilient rural communities.


leadership; resilient village; and covid-19

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p-ISSN 1693-1378 | e-ISSN 2598-9952