Minat Investasi Saham Perusahaan Go Public Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19
Formulation of the problem in this study is whether behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, income and stock market prices affect the interest in investing share of go public companies in covid 19 pandemic and which of these factors has the greatest contribution to interest in investing in go public companies. Research sample of potential investors who’re interested in investing go public companies in era covid 19 pandemic. There are 127 samples, same with the answers to the returned quesioner. The variable include independent variables behavioral attitues, subjective norms, income, and stock market prices. Dependent variabel is interest in stock investment. The research analysis model uses a multiple linear regression model with econometric evaluation with classical assumptions including multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test. While the hypothesis testing using t-test and determination test with a significant level of 5%. The test result show the significant value of all factors below 5%, so the fisrt hypothesis is accepted. Bevarioral attitudes, subjective norms, income and stock market prices individually have a significant effecr on investment interest in go public companies in the era of covid 19 pandemic. The second hypothesis is accepted because the value of coefficient of determination of the stock market price factor is the largest, which is 0,991 or 99,1% , so the stock market price factor has the largest contribution on investing go public companies era covid 19 pandemic.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30742/equilibrium.v18i1.1974
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