Perbedaan Minat Berwirausaha Berdasarkan Gender (Kasus Mahasiswa FEB UWKS)

Dana Aditya, Ni Ketut Yulia Agustin


Entrepreneurship is the spirit of ability, attitude and individual behavior in dealing with businesses that lead efforts to find, create, apply new ways of working, technology, and products by increasing efficiency. Indonesia entrepreneurial growth is still very low and influenced by the lack of intellectual and psychological capital to open new businesses. One of the things that’s hinders entrepreneurial growth is the issue of gender, where women are often placed only as someone who helps their husbands and the family economy. To find out and explain these problems, this study conducted an ANOVA test between female and male students on intellectual and psychological capital ownership in entrepreneurship. This study found that there were no significant differences between women and men, the only difference is the value of entrepreneurship and organization networking. For women entrepreneurs, the high values of entrepreneurship and the existence of a good organizational network will determine their triumph and success. It is hoped that this research could provide insight for college students to develop their activities of entrepreneurial spirits.


Entrepreneur, Gender, Entrepreneur Intention; Intellectual Capital; Psychological Capital

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