Model Bisnis Untuk Usaha Kecil Menengah Batik Dengan Business Model Canvas (BMC)

Teguh Pribadi Ikhsan, Nia Saurina, Tri Rahayuningsih, Lestari Retnawati


More than 99% of manufacturing companies in Indonesia are SMEs, which account for almost two-thirds of total employment in manufacturing. But in reality, these companies face many obstacles to growth. The existence of COVID-19 has resulted in SMEs being at the forefront of the crisis because the entire community is restricted from doing activities outside the home. Therefore, this study created a business model for Batik Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Surabaya using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) in order to be able to struggle in the midst of the Covid pandemic and be able to determine the direction of business for them. This study begins by analyzing the general environment, including the external environment using the Business Model Canvas used to explain the strategy in more detail to SMEs in Kampung Batik Surabaya to improve performance and face competitors. This data collection was supported by Batik SME using methods, namely interviews, observations and library studies. Based on the BMC business model, a new BMC business model was obtained to improve the performance of Batik SMEs and has been verified by looking at sales data for the last 1 year at Batik Village in Surabaya for approximately the last 1 year from early May 2020 to the end of June 2021.


kampung batik; kota Surabaya; covid-19; business model canvas;

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