Muhammad Jibril Tajibu, Bachtiar Rezkiawan Narwis


The purpose of this study was to analyze the demand for conventional taxis in the middle of online taxi operations, namely (1) The effect of income on conventional taxi demand, (2) The effect of conventional taxi rates on conventional taxi demand, (3) The effect of online taxi fares on conventional taxi demand ( 4) The effect of online taxi waiting times on conventional taxi demand (5) The effect of consumer needs on conventional taxi demand. The study was conducted on 135 respondents. To answer the research problem, the analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis show that (1). Income has a significant positive effect on conventional taxi demand (2). Conventional taxi fares have a significant negative effect on conventional taxi demand. (3) online taxi rates have a significant positive effect on conventional taxi demand, (4). Online taxi waiting times have a significant negative effect on conventional taxi demand and (5). This type of need has a significant positive effect on the demand for conventional taxis



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