Pengaruh Life Style, Self Control Dan Financial Literacy Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Melakukan Online Shopping

Ratih Dewi Titisari Haryana


The development of technology is related to people's behavior in Indonesia. Indonesian people, especially the younger generation, are very fond of social media. Besides used to communicate, send emails, social media is also used to online shopping. This is evidenced by the growing number of marketplaces in Indonesia such as Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Shoppee, Lazada and the others. This study aims to determine the effect of life style, self control and financial literacy on consumptive behavior in online shopping. This research is a quantitative study using explanatory design. The sample used was FEB students in East Surabaya. Sample data that can be used are 102 respondents. The sampling technique uses convenience sampling. Data collection using questionnaire distribution techniques using multiple linear regression data analysis techniques. The results showed that life style had a positive and significant effect on consumer behavior in doing online shopping. While self control and financial literacy variables negatively and significantly affect consumer behavior in doing online shopping.


life style; self control; financial literacy; consumptive behaviour

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