Pengaruh Cause Brand Fit terhadap Loyalitas Merek Melalui Kredibilitas Merek dan Altruistic Attribution

Adrianto Trimarjono, Indrianawati Usman, Sri Wahjuni Astuti


This study aims to examine the effect of cause brand fit on brand loyalty through brand credibility and altruistic Attribution. To achieve the success of CrM the company must adapt the brand to the appropriate social activities so that customers can assess the suitability of the brand with the social activities created (Cause brand fit). These findings reveal that respondents supported the Aqua program by buying it to repair underdeveloped areas that lack clean water. Further findings show that CrM variables such as cause brand fit, and altruistic attribution affect consumer loyalty to the CrM campaign, which in turn affects them to pay extra money for the product. Research was conducted on Aqua consumers in East Java using purposive sampling techniques. To test the hypothesis a structural equation model (SEM) is used with the Amos ver 20 program.


Cause brand fit , brand credibility; altruistic attribution; brand loyalty

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