The Role Of Organizational Supporting In Moderating The Whistleblowing Behavior Intention

Azwar Iskandar, Ita Hartati


This study aimed to analyze the influence of the attitude toward behaviour and perceived behavioural control on whistleblowing intention, and the role of organizational supporting of employees as moderating variable in the influence of the attitude toward behaviour and perceived behavioural control on whistleblowing intention of employees. This study used primary data from a questionnaire, simple random sampling method and quantitative approach of Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) technique. This study empirically showed that the implementation of the whistleblowing system has not been successful. Based on the three hypotheses proposed, all of them were not proven and accepted. The attitude toward behaviour has no significant effect on whistleblowing intention by the employees. The perceived behavioural control had a significant effect on whistleblowing intention by employees. In other that, the current organizational support of employees can not play a role as moderation influencing attitudes and perceived behavioural control over internal whistleblowing intention. The government needs to create special laws and rules to give enough law protection for the whistleblo¬wer in the public sector.


whistleblowing; attitude; perceived; organizational supporting; moderating

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