Adelia Debby Sandinata, Risawati Risawati


This study is conduced to detemine the effect of good corporate governance, intellectual capital and corporate growth on firm value. The mechanism of good corporate governance in this research is proxied using managerial ownership and institutional ownership, intelectual capital proxied by VAICTM, corporate growth proxied by asset growth, while firm value is proxied by Price to Book Value (PBV). The population in this study is 30 companies which publicly traded manufacturing company in the consumer goods industry sector which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2015 to the year of 2017. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis to test the proposed research hypotheses. This study later found that god corporate governance, intellectual capital and corporate growh have a significant partial effect on firm value, so that all three hypotheses proposed are accepted.

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Department of Accountig, Faculty of Economics and Business
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