Perceived Behavioral Control, Attitude Dan Persepsi Keamanan Sebagai Determinan Minat Masyarakat Menggunakan Fintech P2P

Hikmah Hikmah, Sunargo Sunargo


Peer-to-peer lending is the sole financial service provided in the form of pinjam meminjam transactions conducted online. Peer to Peer Lending currently offers a variety of loans, including those for businesses, health care, and education, that the general public may access online so that lengthy approval processes are not necessary. The purpose of this study is to understand perceived behavioural control, attitude, and perceived risk as factors affecting how the general public uses fintech peer-to-peer lending. According to this study, all of the kecamatan that are present in Kota Batam are populous. data collection methodology using kuesioners. By using Jacob Cohen's book, there are 204 responses in this essay. The respondents to this study were people who had used peer-to-peer lending to make loans. Purposive sampling is the method of sampling that is employed. SEM is the analytical technique employed with the SmartPLS 3.0 programme. According to the study's findings, perceived behavioural control, attitude, and perception of security all significantly and positively influence interest in Batam City residents. Perceived behavioural control also significantly and positively influences interest in Batam City residents.

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