Eksistensi Perempuan Dalam Novel Mahabharata Karya Chakravartin Rajagopalachari (Kajian Feminisme)
This research aims to describe the existence of women in it The Mahabharata novel by Chakravartin Rajagopalachari is based on the study of feminism existential approach. The qualitative descriptive analysis research method is a method used in this research. The techniques used are reading, listening and reading techniques Note down the steps, namely determining the novel to be studied, reading the novel thoroughly repeatedly, determining studies as a tool for analysis, namely the study of feminism, collect feminist data, and draw conclusions. Data analysis in this research by identifying the data that has been collected, then feminist data that remains good. The description of women's existence is then explained in detail so that it is easy to understand understand, then draw conclusions. The results obtained are (1) Inequality.The gender experience experienced by the character Draupadi is in the form of acts of violence and humiliation by kurawa in the dice game arena; (2) Draupadi experienced polyandry when she married fifth Pandava; (3) King Pandu committed polygamy against Queen Kunti married Dewi Madri; (4) Goddess Kunti as Mother Earth as proven by the birth of Pandu's son, namely the 5 Pandavas, (5) Intelligence and decisiveness possessed by Draupadi in responding to various events that happened to her and her family.
Keywords: feminism, women's existence, Mahabharata.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30742/sv.v6i2.3954
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