Wahyuni Mayangsari, Franciscus Adi Prasetyo, Kusuma Wulandari


Early marriage has a correlation with women's powerlessness to decide autonomously the best choice for themselves and their future. Based on the identification results, the root of the problem stems from two factors, first, the dominance of parents in making choices by leaving only minimal space for women to fight for their choices; second, cultural hegemony which is rooted in the myth that if a woman refuses a man's proposal, her future mate will be difficult. The main focus of this research is on women's autonomy to make decisions to remarry after divorce due to early marriage. The method used is descriptive qualitative using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies as data collection techniques. Based on the purposive sampling technique, five husband and wife pairs were obtained, namely, pairs A and A1, pairs B and B1, pairs C and C1, pairs D and D1, and pairs E and E1. The results of this study indicate that women have autonomy in making decisions to remarry without feeling intimidated by their social status as widows. Her position is very strong to accept or reject the offer of a man who asked her to marry based on logical considerations. The conclusion obtained is that the autonomy to make the decision to remarry is influenced by factors of maturity, insight, experience, and social relations.

Keywords: Autonomy, Women, early-age-marriage

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30742/jus.v5i1.2062


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