Milki Amirus Sholeh


The culture of drinking coffee is not only a consumption activity, but also a reflection of prestige, celebration of consumerism, and ideology. The large consumption of coffee has increased the market share of selling coffee beans or finished products. Coffee is becoming increasingly popular and tends to have price classes and packaging. So far, there is no alternative for someone to brew pure coffee from processed beans directly. This research focuses on the Jaringan Warkop Nusantara (JWN) which initiates the establishment of a supply network starting from coffee beans produced by farmers and sharing free barista training. Other studies refer to the aesthetics of interior design and the concept of traditional coffee culture. So, the research takes the specifications of the JWN organizational group and their working mechanism in concocting quality selected coffee, as well as how to form an educational network for warkop traders so that they can also popularize coffee from pure beans. This research method uses a qualitative approach. The findings of this study indicate that there is an upapa JWN in de-industrialization through coffee consumption activities from warkop. JWN even uses the warkop network as a means of supplying rural coffee farmers who often get less than the maximum selling price.

Keywords: Coffee, Jaringan Warkop Nusantara, Dependence, Market, Authenticity

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Sumber lain:

Dirjen Perkebunan, Kementerian Pertanian Tahun 2018

Kompas, Kekayaan kopi nusantara, edisi 11 April 2018

Kompas, Di Hulu, Titik Awal Gerakan Bersama, edisi 18 April 2018

Kompas , Saatnya Mengurus Warisan Abadi, edisi 18 April 2018

Kompas, Rantai Panjang Jalur Perdagangan, edisi 25 Aprisl 2018

Kompas, Revolusi Dimulai Dari Warung Kopi, edisi 20 Mei 2018

Kompas, Gairah Minum Kopi Nusatara, edisi 6 Juni 2018

Kompas, Kedai Kopi Tumbuh Bersama Petani, edisi 26 April 2018

Riset pengasilan Produksi Kopi Indonesia Tahun 2020, dalam,



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ISSN 2620-5211 (Printed)
ISSN 2656-3339 (Online)


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