Praktik Blok Maskulin di Kalangan Laki-Laki Vegetarian dan Vegan di Kota Bandung

Shafinha Faizurrahman, Sutinah .


This study explores the experiences of vegetarian men in the context of a meat-based food culture strongly associated with hegemonic masculinity. The aim is to uncover how vegetarian men navigate the dominant configurations of masculinity in food choices and how they resist these practices. Using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, the study provides an in-depth explanation of the experiences of vegetarian men in Bandung, chosen due to the presence of a vegetarian lifestyle community in the city. The study is grounded in the theories of hegemonic masculinity and masculine bloc. The findings reveal that vegetarian men challenge hegemonic masculinity through the practice of masculinity hybridization, an innovative form of power that still supports male authority. The study also finds that this hybridization practice reproduces patriarchal masculine culture, highlighting the perpetuation of this culture even amidst resistance to hegemonic masculinity.

Keywords : hegemonic masculinity, vegetarian men, masculinity hybridization, food consumption, patriarchal culture

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