Jasa Informasi Perpustakaan di Era Globalisasi Dalam Perspektif Sosiologi Informasi
(1) Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
(2) SMP Nation Star Academy Surabaya
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The research intends to describe the role of libraries as public service institutions in the field of information in the era of globalization. The research object is based on the discussion focusing on analysis based on comprehensive detailed studies about the content of library information services in the era of globalization. The research includes in-depth evaluation and analysis activities, based on a basic study of the management of the library's role as a public service institution in the field of information. Analyzing activities require realistic critical thinking, to be able to apply the conceptualization of historical traces in the past and what is currently happening so that it is appropriate to use the historical approach, namely research that is a critical investigation of the development of a thought or term. Primary information sources are considered as the most important elements to be utilized as primary data. Data collection utilizes library research, carries out literature reading activities with the subject of the role of libraries, library information services, and the era of globalization, to realize synchronization and harmonization of conceptualization lines of thought. The analysis uses descriptive qualitative analysis, relying on sources of analysis from various reading materials that are theoretical, research, or non-research. Research puts forward listening, studying, and examining carefully to be able to evaluate various facts and find various solutions to the problems contained in social phenomena. Validity can be achieved, then the analysis requires content analysis that is useful in analyzing the meaning of the most important concepts, the role of libraries, information services, and the era of globalization. Observation is utilized as an essential element to support the construction of theory. The results of the study are (1). Information in the era of globalization is not only to increase knowledge but serves as a necessity of life, so that information has a very decisive position in all activities of people's lives. (2). Information is free and open, so you can take advantage of the library which acts as a center for information sources and sources of knowledge.
Keywords: Information; Information Services; library
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DOI: 10.30742/tb.v5i2.1797
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