Data Backup System in the Library of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta

Sri Anawati(1), Sri Utari(2), Argyo Demartoto(3),

(1) Sebelas Maret University
(2) Sebelas March University
(3) Sebelas March University
Corresponding Author


Research Objectives. Data in the library contains various intellectual property and knowledge so that it can be accessed by anyone, anytime and anywhere. The development of information technology provides convenience in storing digital data. Digital data backup is vulnerable to various threats such as cyber, malware, hackers, and hardware damage, so library data security management is needed. The Technical Implementation Unit of the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Library manages digital data through,, and Method. The research method uses a mixed method, exploratory, action research. Data was collected through observation, interviews, FGDs, and documentation.

Research Results. Digital data backup of the UNS Library in the form of unsla: All circulation transactions, printed book collection data, member data; Digilib: student final assignment files, academic community research results, and so on; Library: news, announcements, various electronic information; Ezproxy: to access SSO electronic journal and ebook. They are stored at the UNS ICT. The UNS Library Unit backs up some of these data, namely soft files of final assignments, old magazines, and compact disks (CDs), as an effort to secure digital data caused by hacker attacks, viruses, or hardware damage. Conclusion. The UNS Library Unit's digital data backup consists of unsla: All circulation transactions, printed book collection data, member data; Digilib: student final assignment files, academic community research results, and so on; Library: news, announcements, various electronic information; Ezproxy: to access SSO ejournal and ebooks. It is stored at the UNS ICT Unit. The UNS Library Unit backs up some of these data, namely soft files of final assignments, old magazines, and compact disks (CDs), as an effort to secure digital data caused by hacker attacks, viruses, or hardware damage.


Keywords: Backup Data, Digital Data Security, Digital Data, Digital Preservation, Data Library


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