Peran Bank Sampah dalam Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat Desa Sumberpoh Kecamatan Maron Kabupaten Probolinggo

Mohammad Rifqi Mudviyadi


This research is motivated by the formation of a waste bank as a program to improve the economy of rural communities with the potential of Sumberpoh Village. The potential of Sumberpoh Village with its dense and inland population so that the volume of waste can no longer be dammed is a social and environmental problem, because in Sumberpoh Village, floods often occur when the rainy season comes, the cause is blockage of the river flow from garbage dumped carelessly into the river or around it. Research objectives 1). This is to determine the role of the waste bank in improving the economy of the people of Sumberpoh Village, Maron District, Probolinggo Regency 2). To analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of waste banks in improving the economy of the people of Sumberpoh Village, Maron District, Probolinggo Regency. The research methodology used is a descriptive qualitative approach by collecting data through observation, interviews. The results of the research obtained are activities carried out from the waste bank as a form of the role of the Sumberpoh Village waste bank in improving the community's economy, namely increasing community income with the existence of waste management activities at the Sumberpoh Village waste bank, the community can develop again with increased income and also open jobs for the community although it cannot be used as the main income for them. And there is also the role of the Sumberpoh Village waste bank in raising public awareness of the surrounding environment. With this program, this activity is able to change the mindset of the community and eliminate the negative habits of the community who litter and burn garbage, making Sumberpoh Village clean from the surrounding rubbish. Supporting and inhibiting factors for the Waste Bank in the economy of rural communities through waste management, namely supporting factors include 1). Persistence manager 2). Solid team 3). Support from local community leaders 4). Community motivation. While the inhibiting factors include: 1). Public awareness to love the environment is still low and cannot use it as their income 2). Minimal human resources 3). The sales of the waste creations are still too minimal in reach.

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Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
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