Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai UKPBJ Sekretariat Daerah Mojokerto

Anny Sugiarti, Ernani Hadiyati, Dwi Orbaningsih


This study used the quantitative data with an explanatory research method, while the samples were 44 employees with the status of the Civil Apparatus of Nation at the UKPBJ Regional Secretariat of Mojokerto City with details: 7 employees of the Election Working Group, 29 Procurement Officers, 8 employees of the Secretariat Section. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) was chosen to analyze the hypothesis. The results of this study indicated that: "i) compensation didn’t has a direct effect on employee job satisfaction at the UKPBJ Regional Secretariat of Mojokerto City"; ii) workload didn’t has a direct effect on employee job satisfaction at the Regional Secretariat UKPBJ Mojokerto City; iii) compensation didn’t has a direct effect on the performance of employees at the Regional Secretariat UKPBJ Mojokerto City; iv) workload has a direct influence on employee performance at the Regional Secretariat UKPBJ Mojokerto City; v) job satisfaction didn’t have a direct effect on employee performance at the Regional Secretariat UKPBJ Mojokerto City; vi) compensation didn’t have an indirect effect on employee performance through job satisfaction at the UKPBJ Regional Secretariat of Mojokerto City; vii) workload didn’t have an indirect effect on employee performance through job satisfaction at the UKPBJ Regional Secretariat of Mojokerto City.



compensation; workload; job satisfaction; employee's performance

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