Effect Of Gross Domestic Product, Liquidity, Size, Growth, Capital Adequacy Ratio, And Inflation On Financial Performance

Purwohandoko Purwohandoko, Sri Setyo Iriani


Research on the Gross Domestic Product was measured based on the basis price taken from BPS in 2012-2017, size was measured using a natural log of total assets, Liquidity was measured using the loan to deposite ratio, size was measured using a natural log of total assets, growth was measured using the change in the total assets of previous year, adaequacy capital ratio, measured using the total capital divided by risk-weighted assets, and inflation is measured using the consumer price index. The population in this study was all the banks listed on the Stock Exchange. The sample in this research that private banks listed on the Stock Exchange during 2012-2017 and they was published the complete financial reports. This study used multiple linear regression. The result of this study showed that  the liquidity and capital adequacy ratio did not affect the financial performance. Gross Domestic Product, Size and growth had a significant positive effect on financial performance. While inflation was a significant negative effect on financial performance.


gross domestic product; liquidity; size; growth; capital adequacy ratio; inflation; ROE

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30742/equilibrium.v17i1.1423


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