Manajemen Krisis Di Sektor Industri Menghadapi Era Pandemi

Hendara Suwardana, Abdul Wahid Nuruddin


Today, the world's life experiences a disaster that could never have been imagined to have occurred at the end of the 21st century, where the Covid 19 pandemic event just came without knowing when it would end. This incident became a turning point for all sectors of life, especially health and the economy. The industrial sector has been the hardest hit and the crisis has reached an acute to the chronic stage. This is where innovative progressive leadership is needed to solve this crisis into a recovery phase and become a turning point for the awakening with post-pandemic adaptive behaviour change. In the following year, the pandemic will come back in a different form, thus demanding the readiness and readiness of the stakeholders to prepare from now on through the crisis centre. The industrial sector needs to understand the advantages of each comparative advantage and be willing to collaborate to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses or mutually subsidize competitiveness.


pandemic; management; crisis; industry

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