
Call for Papers


JIKW invites all researchers, lecturers, and post graduate students to submit and publish original research, case report, review article in Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma. Articles are written in English in accordance with the template. Deadline July 31st 2024

Only on Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma



Posted: 2024-05-09

Template Change


Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma informed to the authors that the journal writing template would change beginning with the publication of Volume 12 Number 2 in September 2023.

The new template writing format consist of abstract, introduction, material and methods, result, discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest, acknowledgements, and reference. The template used single collumn instead of double collumn and the layout has been adjusted

Citations and bibliographies are formatted according to APA guidelines and Mendeley application is a mandatory.

Thus we convey this information, for your attention, Thank you.

Posted: 2023-09-20

Template Change

Posted: 2023-09-20 More...

New Template (September 2023)

Start from September 2023, article published in JIKW using template in new format. For the newest template able to downloaded in side bar.  
Posted: 2023-09-13

New Template

Template for a manuscript avalaible in new format. for the newest template able to downloaded in side bar.  
Posted: 2023-03-25



Start in September 2022 issue, manuscript published in English. Therefore, we will announce the information regarding changes in publishing fees

Posted: 2022-05-23

Nationally Accredited (SINTA 3)


Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma (JIKW) has been nationally accredited (SINTA 3) by Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia No.: 158/E/KPT/2021, dated 09 December 2021.  

The Editor in Chief of Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma (JIKW) kindly invites authors to submit unpublished manuscripts in this journal written in English

Posted: 2022-03-07

Call for Papers


JURNAL ILMIAH KEDOKTERAN WIJAYA KUSUMA volume 8 Number 2, September 2019 has been published. JIKW invites all researchers, lecturers, and post graduate students to submit and publish original research, case report, review article in Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma. Articles are written in Indonesian or English in accordance with the template. Articles must be submitted before Januari 31, 2019, will be published in  Volume 9 Number 1, Maret 2020.  All submitted papers will be peer reviewed, published in online version, Vol 9 (1) Edisi Maret 2020 with ISSN 1978-2071 (print) ISSN 2580-5967(online). Articles published in this journal will be indexed by DOAJ,  Google Scholar, PKP Index, IPI, Garuda (Gerbang Rujukan Digital) and Sinta(level 4)

Posted: 2019-10-20

JIKW has been indexed in DOAJ


On April 29, 2019 JIKW has been indexed in DOAJ, we hope this journal will be better in the future. We would like to appreciate those who cite articles of the journal.

Posted: 2019-04-30 More...

Change of Author Guidelines since January, 2018

Author guideline for submission of Manuscript since January, 2018 has been changed incuding change of font size, space and style of referencing style to harvard style. for more information please check and download link

Changes in the number of articles per issue. 10 articles will be published per issue since Maret 2018
Posted: 2018-01-19

JIKW has been indexed in SINTA and IPI

On Februari 23rd 2018, JIKW has been indexed in SINTA with S4 category, and Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), hope will be better next, we would like to appreciate those who citated our articles.

Posted: 2018-02-25 More...