Hubungan Patofisiologi Hipertensi dan Hipertensi Renal

Akmarawita Kadir


Introduction : Hypertension is a disease with an incidence rate is still high around the world,
most of the causes of hypertension is unknown (essential hypertension / primary
hypertension), a small portion of hypertension caused by diseases acquired (secondary
hypertension). The unknown cause of Hypertension causing complications of diseases that
worsen it, eg kidney disease (renal disease), and can be a disease that actually cause
hypertension becomes more severe (secondary hypertension). Pathophysiology of essential 

hypertension has been a lot of discussed, but the pathophysiology of renal disease which
causes hypertension still needs to be explored, particularly on the relationship between
primary hypertension and secondary hypertension (hypertension, kidney or renal
Kidney disease is a disease that cause hypertension via the mechanism of resistance
increases blood circulation to the kidneys and a decrease in the glomerular capillary
function which resulted in the release of an important substance-substance such as renin,
angiotensinogen, angiotensin I, angiotensin II, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors, aldosterone, bradykinin, nitric oxide (NO), which in turn causes increase blood
pressure (hypertension). Hypertension proved to be a feedback mechanism to suppress the
high renin, renin suppression doesn’t mean anything if kidney disease not treated properly,
and even cause permanently hypertension or even getting worse. The purpose of this article
was to determine the pathophysiology of hypertension, renal hypertension in particular, and
how the relationship between hypertension and renal hypertension (secondary).


Pathophysiology; hypertension; renal hypertension; renin; angiotensin; ACE

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