The Effect Of Digital Marketing, Word Of Mouth And Product Differentiation On Purchasing Decisions For Deerkeik Bread Products In Madiun City

Samsu Anhari Faujianto, Ahadiati Rohmatiah, Andik Susanto, Elli Rahmawati


This study aims to examine the effect of Digital Marketing, Word of Mouth, and Product Differentiation on purchasing decisions on Deerkeik bread products in Madiun City. The population in this study are Deerkeik Instagram followers who have made at least one purchase. The data used is primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires via google form to respondents. The amount of sample data obtained was 100 respondents. The data obtained was then tested using the instrument test (validity test and reliability test), classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis test and hypothesis testing. The results in this study are Digital Marketing has a partial effect on purchasing decisions, Word of Mouth has a partial effect on purchasing decisions, Product Differentiation has a partial effect on purchasing. The results of the study are shown in the Adjusted R Square value that the variation of the three variables, namely Digital Marketing, Word of Mouth and Product Differentiation, contributes to the Purchasing Decision by 79.2%. Meanwhile, the other 20.8% is explained by other variables not included in the study.

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Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University
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