Relationship Between Demographic Characteristics, Personality Traits, And Organizational Commitment Among Nepalese Saving And Credit Co-Operative Workers

Basnet D.M., Aryal N.P., Sanju Kumar Singh


The philosophy of cooperatives aims to enhance socioeconomic, cultural, democratic, and self-help values at the community level. Employees working in a cooperative are also guided by the principles and values of the cooperative environment, which align with the organization's objectives and support their overall well-being. This study examines how employees' demographic factors relate to their personality traits and organizational commitment. The objectives of this study are to analyze the impact of marital status and gender on organizational commitment, assess how education level influences personality traits, and examine the effects of departmental affiliation on emotional stability. Additionally, the study aims to determine the role of tenure in influencing continuance commitment and investigate how geographical location affects agreeableness. The study involved 826 employees from 206 savings and credit cooperatives in Kathmandu, using purposive sampling. Data were collected through standardized questionnaires, and non-parametric tests were applied to analyze the relationships between demographic factors, personality traits, and organizational commitment. The Results of this research, marital status significantly affects organizational commitment, but gender does not. Education level has no impact on personality traits. Employees in metropolitan cooperatives show lower agreeableness compared to those in rural areas. Tenure does not influence continuance commitment, and departmental affiliation does not affect emotional stability.

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