Hubungan Biofilm dengan Infeksi: Implikasi pada Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Strategi Mengontrolnya
Biofilms are formed in the surfaces of mucosal of the body cavity can be a major source of
infection . Infection by microbial biofilm formers are difficult to treat because of their greater
resistance to antimicrobial agents than individual cells . Therefore biofilm -related infections
and increased the economic burden of the country. The purpose of this literature review is to
examine literature on biofilms and biofilm-associated microbes and their contribution to the
disease burden of man with the aim of drawing attention to their public health
implication.Biofilm are defined as “collections of microorganisms and their associated
extracellular products at an interface and generally attached to a biological and non-
biological substratum. Biofilm formation are influenced by factors controlling cell
attachment, nature of surface, propertis of medium, and properties of the microbial cell
surface. The ability of biofilm formation is genetically regulated by ica ABDC operon.
Biofilm life cycle include adhesion of cells, formation of microcolonies, formation of biofilm
and detachment anddispersal of biofilm. Structure of biofilm consists microorganisms and
extracellular polymeric substances with vertical structures of microorganisms sometimes
take the form of towers or mushrooms which are separated by interstitial spaces. Bacterial
biofilm showed increased resistance to antibiotics, disinfectants and resistant to phagocytosis
and other mechanisms of innate and adaptive immune system. Biofilms associated with food
borne illness and affect to food security. Biofilms have been implicated in a wide variety of
microbial infections in the body such as as urinary tract infections, catheter infections,
middle-ear infections, formation of dental plaque, gingivitis, legionellosis ,infections
involving contact lenses, and less common but more lethal processes such as endocarditis,
infections in cystic fibrosis, and infections of permanent indwelling devices such as joint
prostheses and heart valves. It is important for government agencies with a mandate for
safeguarding public health and environment to develop and adopt ap propriate health risk
assessment and biofilm-specific guidelines that are protective of both public health and the
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