Pengaruh Pemaparan Uap Anti Nyamuk Elektrik yang Mengandung Allathrin terhadap Berat dan Warna Paru-ParuTikusi

Tri Pangesti Hayu, Ayly Soekanto


Lungs as place where the gases exchange inside the body is related to enviroment
sorrounding. Usage of electric mosquito repellent that contained allethrin on certain period
can inflict lung’s abnormalities.

The aim to this research is to find the effect of fumes exposure from the electric mosquito
repellent that contained allethrin to weight and colour of rat’s lungs. The research was
experimental laboratory. 24 male rats strain Wistar that devided into 4 groups, which were
group 1 control (P0) without exposure, group 2 (P1) exposed 4 hours a day, group 3 (P2)
exposed 6 hours a day and group 4 (P3) exposed 8 hours a day. In 30 th day, the rats
terminated in the order to taken their lungs organ by operation. The purpose of taken the
lungs was analyzed lung’s weight and alteration of its colour. The acquired data process by
Anova test for weight analysis, and Kruskal Wallis test for colour change analysis,
respectively with significant value (α < 0,05).
The result of anova test is (α = 0.004) and kruskal wallis test is (α = 0,001), that to mean
there are significan differentiation in group.
Conclusion of this research : there was an effects of fumes exposure of electric mosquito
repellent that contain allethrin against the weight and colour of the rat’s lungs. That effect
on the lungs occour because collaps of the alveolus or lungs.


allethrin fumes; body weight; colour of the rat’s lungs.

Full Text:



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