Studi Faktor Risiko Preeklamsi terhadap Kejadian Asfiksia Neonatorum di RSUD dr. Sayidiman Magetan Tahun 2018

Vivian Ade Wilsye Maria Mongdong, Rivan Virlando Suryadinata, Sawitri Boengas, Siti Ariffatus Saroh


One of the complications of pregnancy which is quite dangerous is preeclampsia. Increased blood pressure is a major indicator for pregnant women from preeclampsia. Various complications lead to increased risk of mortality and morbidity in the mother and fetus. During the birth process, the fetus that is conceived by a mother with preeclampsia, have a higher risk of developing neonatal asphyxia. This study aims was to determine the risk of preeclampsia on the incidence of neonatal asphyxia in dr. Sayidiman Magetan Hospital in 2018. The method used was observational with a cross sectional design. Data were collected using patient medical records. The results showed there was a difference in the incidence of neonatal asphyxia in preeclampsia and non- preeclampsia pregnant women (p = 0.000). Pregnant women with preeclampsia had a higher risk of giving birth with neonatal asphyxia (OR=3,071). In this study, it can be concluded that the risk of incidence of neonatal asphyxia is 3 times higher in preeclampsia than in non-preeclampsia at dr. Sayidiman Magetan in 2018.


Faktor Risiko; Preeklamsia; Afiksia Neonatorum; RSUD Sayidiman Magetan

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