Lusiani Tjandra


Background: There’s been reported that the use of prednisone increase the occurrence of disease caused by viruses. And so, this study was done to find out the IgG and IgE status in asthmatic bronchial patients who used prednisone.
Methods: The immunodiagnostic test applied was the precipitation test.
Results: Showed that the average of IgG in asthmatic bronchial patients who used prednisone is 1332,09 mg/dl, less than the average IgG in patients who did not use prednisone. The average of IgE in asthmatic bronchial patients who used prednisone is 4224,0.10-5mg/dl, less than the average of IgE in patients who did not use prednisone. The use of prednisone as a therapy for asthma bronchiale does lower the rate of IgG but that rate is still within the range of normal IgG rate in human body (639 – 1349 mg/dl).
Conclusions: So, the use of prednisone can’t make human suffers from diseases cause by viruses just because the use of prednison as a therapy in asthma bronchiale.


Asthmatic Bronchiale, Ig E dan IgG.

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